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Shortly after we will be in touch with you to confirm your intro session. We are excited to meet you!



For the last four years I have been a student at University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire focusing on learning and building a career in the Kinesiology world. Needing an internship to meet graduation requirements I found myself interning here at Momentum Fitness. I haven’t heard much about Momentum before joining on as an intern over the summer but was very eager to get started. 

Now having graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science, I have found myself seriously involved in the world of CrossFit. I have heard of CrossFit before but have never given it much of a thought to try. After some challenging but exciting classes I knew I was hooked. I really enjoy the variance that CrossFit brings, having no workout be exactly the same. I look forward to training, gymnastics, weightlifting and cardio all in one workout to become a well rounded athlete. As of right now I plan to continue my future with Momentum, helping coach classes, train clients, and improve upon my own physical well being. Eventually I wish to pursue a career in Physical Therapy, either as an assistant or as a licensed therapist. 

I am originally from the Northern Twin Cities area and always will love exploring Minneapolis when I can. I am a very big Minnesota sports fan as well, even if they don’t accomplish much. I am also very excited to marry my best friend in the spring and spend the next couple years in Eau Claire!


CrossFit Level 2 Certified Trainer
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire: BS Kinesiology – Exercise Science
First aid, CPR, AED certified



I have been a very active and competitive person my whole life. My exercise and activity routines have varied with the different seasons of life. They have including everything from standard big gym workouts to home DVDs. After having my daughters, running became my primary mode of exercise. While I learned to love running, I still felt like something was missing and longed for some sort of resistance training. I had come to a couple “Bring a Friend” days at Momentum and knew that between the people and the workouts, this place would be a great fit. The members and coaches provided such a fun and motivating atmosphere, my husband got on board as well. We decided to quit using our girls as an excuse to not get a gym membership and committed to improving our lives through fitness. We joined in 2016 and have never looked back.

I absolutely love how there is always a challenge in CrossFit. There is always something to work on. Not once have I felt bored or felt that my time at the gym has become stale, like had with previous routines. Plus, there’s nothing quite like the excitement you get when you hit a PR or learn a new skill, especially when you’re surrounded by friends in class. Even better than that is witnessing your friends doing the same, and being there to celebrate their accomplishments with them. I have been able to use CrossFit to scratch my lifelong competitive itch, participating in various competitions around the area and can’t wait to do more.

Outside of Momentum I have worked as a Cardiac Rehab exercise specialist since 2010, facilitating/monitoring exercise routines for patients, and educating them on lifestyle changes they can make to help reach their health and wellness goals. I am a firm believer in prevention and that exercise is the best medicine, so I’m very excited about the opportunity to coach here at Momentum.

In my spare time I love spending time with my husband and 2 daughters, Hannah and Kacie. I enjoy pretty much anything outdoors. Some of my favorites things are camping, turkey hunting, fishing, tennis, soccer and mountain biking.



University Of Wisconsin -Eau Claire: BS Kinesiology-Human Performance
CrossFit Level 2 Certified Trainer
USAW Level 1
CrossFit Gymnastics Certified Trainer
First aid, CPR, AED certified



Jesse has lived an active lifestyle since he was just a young boy. His passion for fitness started around 7th grade when his parents bought him his first set of weights. When he entered high school his love for fitness only grew while he joined almost every sport offered; his favorites were basketball, track, wrestling and football. Through his 4 years he earned multiple athletic awards, broke several school records and learned leadership skills that he has carried through his adult life.

To this day, Jesse continues to stay active with many different recreational activities like hiking, snowboarding, running, and biking.  In 2017 Jesse discovered the sport of Crossfit and since walking into Momentum Fitness that first day, he has been in love, not only with the sport but with the incredible community at Momentum. It did not take long before Jesse knew that he wanted to be a part of that community and coaching team at Mo.

Jesse has had a passion for helping people his entire life and has been working with individuals with special needs for over 5 years. He firmly believes that the best medicine or therapy a person can get is exercise, and he has incorporated this philosophy through his coaching while helping everyone from beginners to competitive athletes. He feels that there is nothing more rewarding than seeing someone put in hard work, and then see success in whatever form that may be.

Jesse is thankful for the family that he has become a part of at Momentum. They inspire him to work hard and ignite the fire within him to continue to become a phenomenal coach and competitive athlete.

Fun fact: Growing up, Jesse had a weekly calf regime that he did every Sunday church service to develop his vertical jump. This included doing calf raises while singing gospels. Oh and Jesse REALLY likes cookies.



CrossFit Level 2 Certified Trainer
CrossFit Gymnastics Certified Trainer
Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified Nutrion Coach



I have been a CrossFit coach since 2018. Fitness, nutrition and being active have been a priority of mine for years. Growing up, I participated in volleyball, track & field, cross country and waterskiing. In college, throughout nursing school, I ran and did home video workouts, and finally found my way into a weight room in 2012. I quickly found my love for weight lifting, and with that followed my interest in nutrition and learning how to eat to best support my lifting lifestyle. I started noticing family, friends, people at work etc were constanly asking me for fitness and nutrition advice, so I decided to become a Certified Personal Trainer through NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine). I found my way into Momentum in February of 2018, after finding myself not so excited about going to workout in a conventional gym. My husband bought me the foundations package, and after the first session I was hook, line and sinker’! 

I truly embrace the CrossFit stimulus  – constantly varied high-intensity functional movement, paired with a lifestyle and performace based nutrition plan to create the ultimate path for success! 

Outside of the gym, I work as a nurse, keep plenty busy with our three pups, make messes in the kitchen and dream of traveling the world.

I am very excited to be a part of the MO Team, am pumped to learn, and become a better coach and athlete; and I look forward to helping MO Members do the same!






I have always been active and a runner most of my adult life. In 2010, I ran my first full marathon with siblings and cousins for the experience. I really enjoyed the challenge but sensed that I could do better. A friend suggested Momentum. I began training with Kurt in 2012 and really enjoyed my first experience with free weights. Several years later, I made the move to join the CrossFit classes and found community and that it fed my competitive nature. What started as a supplement to running became an obsession of its own. Since starting at Momentum, I have taken 40 minutes off my marathon time and qualified for Boston 3 times.

Outside of Momentum, I am a mom to 4, a wife and a small business owner. My husband and I enjoy being active with our kids. We love hiking, traveling and are looking forward to time on the lake in the summer.

I really enjoy CrossFit, with the variety of movements and constant challenge. I don’t think any gym could do a better job than Jim and Jackie of providing a second home for so many. I am thankful for the opportunity to join the coaching staff and hope to share my good experience at Momentum with others.


CrossFit Level I Certified Trainer
CPR, First Aid, and AED Certified



My name is Morgan Barnhardt, and I am a recent graduate from UWEC! I am currently an Exercise Physiologist at Advent Health for their Cardiac Rehab department as well as a Coach here at Momentum! I love road-trips and spontaneity! I also love hunting, fishing, and training our two puppy’s to shed hunt and blood track. With my passions for the outdoors and fitness, I hope to make a difference in the word of outdoorsmen and women and their abilities to better themselves for their outdoor goals. 


University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire: BS Kinesiology | Exercise Science

CPR, First Aid, and AED Certified



Craig has been a trainer for 14 years and a CrossFit coach for the past 5.  He really enjoys helping people become the athlete they were meant to be no matter their fitness or what their goals are.  He likes to utilize strength training, cardiovascular and mobility training to help the client/athlete feel better, get stronger and gain greater fitness.  

Craig likes to stay active as much as possible by mountain biking (racing for the past 21 years), road biking, XC skiing (5 completed Birkies), downhill skiing (taught skiing for three years), doing CrossFit (Granite Games athlete, more to come!)…almost anything really.  Next years goal is to complete a marathon with his new found Pose running technique! Always looking for new challenges.  When not doing those things he is spending time with his wife Jessica and their two daughters Olivia and Isabel.



University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire: BS Kinesiology
National Strength & Conditioning Association – CSCS Certification
CrossFit Level 3 Certified Trainer
USAW Level 1 Sport Performance Coach
CrossFit Endurance Certified Trainer



Jim completed his Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology with an emphasis in Sport Pedagogy and received his personal training certification through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA-CPT) in 2011.  Since then he has completed numerous certifications through CrossFit, Olympic Weightlifting, and Sport Performance.

Jim has always believed in hard work and goal setting.  He competed in baseball, football, and wrestling in high school and continued to play football throughout college. He played for two years at Rochester Community Technical College and finished his junior and senior years with the UW-Eau Claire Blugolds.

While at UW-Eau Claire, Jim worked part-time as a water aerobics instructor and fitness consultant.  He appreciated working with area seniors who had challenges with strength and mobility.   Throughout the 2010 football season, Jim was a defensive coach and special teams coordinator for the Eau Claire North Huskies. After graduation In 2011, he coached wrestling at North Star Middle School and was a youth wrestling coach for Eau Claire Parks and Rec. In the spring of 2011, he helped out the Blugolds as a positions coach for their defensive line.  By 2013, Jim and Jackie partnered together and bought Momentum Sport Fitness from Kurt Mattison, keeping Kurt’s ideals while establishing a CrossFit philosophy. 

In his spare time, Jim enjoys all outdoor activities from hunting and fishing to hiking and swimming.  He also considers himself to be a fine landscaper and horticulturist.  He looks forward to helping new clients experience success through one-on-one, group personal training, and CrossFit classes. 



University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire: BS Kinesiology – Sport Pedagogy
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire: Blugold Football
National Strength & Conditioning Association – Member
National Strength & Conditioning Association – Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT)
Certified Water Safety Instructor (WSI)
CPR, First Aid, and AED Certified
CrossFit Level I Certified Trainer
CrossFit Olympic Weightlifting Certified Trainer
YogaFit Level 1 Certified Yoga Instructor
USAW Level 1 Sport Performance Coach
CrossFit Football Certified Trainer
CrossFit Gymnastics Certified Trainer
Catalyst Athletics Level 1 Certified



In the past 20 years that I have been teaching fitness, middle school PE for 15 of them, I have learned that exercise is so much more than burning a few calories.  It has the power to affect so many other facets of our lives.

I feel so blessed to be a part of Momentum Fitness and to be able to share my passion of fitness with others.  I get to work with the most genuine, caring and knowledgeable coaches in the area.  The positive energy it gives is nothing like I have ever been a part of.  As I look back, the last couple of years have been a crazy journey.  I am so blessed to have met so many amazing people during this time.

My family and faith is the absolute most important thing in my life.  I love that I am able to share this with those closest to me.  It’s nice to be able to say that the line between work and play have become a blur.



B.S. in Physical Education – UW Eau Claire
M.S. in Pedagogy – UW LaCrosse
USAW Level 1
CrossFit Level 2
CrossFit Gymnastics Certified Trainer
CrossFit Mobility
CrossFit Olympic Lifting
First aid, CPR, AED certified


Membership agreement pauses are only available for the following conditions with written proof: medical, military leave, and maternity. If a member cannot use services due to medical reasons, he/she may be asked to provide a valid doctor’s statement. This hold may not extend more than 3 months. During you hold, membership will be charged a $10 processing fee.


All membership agreements require 30-days written notice to cancel your membership. This form will serve as your 30-days written cancellation notice. Note that if you have a scheduled renewal payment within 30-days of your invoice billing date, the payment will be processed as scheduled. Your membership will be canceled at the end of your final paid month. All payments are non-refundable.


Please fill out the form below and one of our team members will review your request. Warning. The submission of this form does not cancel your membership. We will review your request, then reach out to confirm.


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coaches will be in touch asap! We are excited to meet you!


We Would Love To Meet You!
WARNING! Class Sizes Are Limited.

If you would like to reserve a spot… Simply fill out the form below letting us know what day you might come by & one of our amazing coaches will reach out to you to reserve your class.


$20 Per Class


2615 London Road Suite D Eau Claire Wisconsin 54701

(715) 506-5886


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